Finally got my act together, and logged in a decent training week. Skipped training on Thursday & Friday due to commitments at work. Felt very good with myself.
20 February 2017 (Monday)(5.30 p.m)
Swim at the club house:
500 front crawl +
500 kick-board with fins +
1500 paddles with pull buoy +
10 x 50 front crawl @ 1:10 +
10 x 50 front crawl with 10 push-ups after each 50 +
500 kick-board with fins (Total 4,000m)
21 February 2017 (Tuesday)(7.00 p.m.)
The benefit of keeping a training log, is its function as a reminder on how much (or in my case) how little training that I have put-in in recent weeks. A look into this blog reminded me of a long over due night run at Putrajaya (last done on 19 January 2017).
Went back to my regular starting point at the swimming pool near Marina Putrajaya to start my run.
Swimming pool - PICC - Palace of Justice (POJ) - Precinct 18 - MOF Building - PM Office - MOF - POJ - PICC - Pullman Hotel - Marina Putrajaya - swimming pool (Total 16.5 km).
Powerman Season |
22 February 2017 (Wednesday) (5.00 p.m.)
Swim at club house:
60 x 50 front crawl (Total 3,000m)
First ever extended 50m reps at the pool. First 20 reps were on 1:45. Switched to 1:30 for the remainder of the 40 reps. Next session, will go at 1:25.
25 February 2017 (Saturday)(7.30 a.m.)
Swim at club house:
500 front crawl +
500 kick board with fins +
1500 paddles with pull buoy +
500 kick board
2 x 50 front crawls (EZ)
10 x 50 @ 1:10 front crawl
10 x 50 front crawl with 10 push-ups after each 50 +
100 EZ (Total 4,200m)
26 February 2017 (Sunday)(7.45 a.m.)
Bike ride in the rain with Don Khor at Putrajaya. Repeated the 3 x Putrajaya - Cyberjaya loops (96km) plus 4 km run off the bike.
Team Cervelo |
The whole week prior to Sunday was void of any training session. Work related matters took precedence and almost entirely derailed my training week, if not for a text message from my training partner on Saturday morning which reminded me of our planned bike ride on Sunday.
Was meant to repeat the Titi ride but opted for a shorter ride in Putrajaya instead, as I had to get back to my work after the ride.
19 February 2017 (Sunday)(7.45 a.m.)
Rode with Don Khor again. Started from the swimming pool near Marina Putrajaya. Target was 3 Putrajaya-Cyberjaya loops and was expecting 90km.
Weather was kinder to us, sunny but not windy. Many riders from different groups started from the swimming pool. But we did not join any of them and focused on our 3 loops. We rode our Cervelos and I think we looked pretty cool.
By the end the ride, we logged a decent 100km. Don went on to run a bit. I rushed home to my laptop instead.
For the first time since Ironman training in 2015, I finally got my lazy butt back to Hulu Langat for a long ride. That means, I have not been to this other playground for the entire 2016.
I was busy with work related matters during the early part of the week. A business trip to Penang on Monday & Tuesday simply de-railed my training plans. The week only started on on Thursday, 9 February 2017, Thaipusam public holiday.
9 February 2017 (Thursday)(8.00 a.m.)
With a long ride on Sunday in mind, I opted for a short ride. Rode solo to my favorite playground in the form of Putrajaya. Was hot and windy throughout and I came home with a 77km on my cycle computer.
10 February 2017 (Friday) (6.00 p.m.)
1km warm-up, 10km main set & 1km easy on the treadmill at the club house, followed by some planking exercises, weights and push-ups. Running legs were still rusty as a 56:31 for the 10km main set felt like a torture.
12 February 2017 (Sunday) (7.30 a.m.)
Rode from Jade Hills Kajang to Titi town and back with my long time Ironman training partner, the legendary Don Khor.
Another sunny and windy day. The climbs over Genting Peres on the way to and back from Titi did not feel too difficult despite the long absence. The strong head wind made the ride more challenging than usual. Logged a decent 145km by the end of the ride, which felt like a typical Ironman training ride. Except, I am not training for one this year.
Aborted the planned short run after the ride mainly due to tiredness.
Not much was done during the CNY week. Laziness lingered , excuses for sleeping late easily made.
Finally got my first ride on my bike (a real ride, outdoors) in 2017 on 30 January 2017.
30 Jan 2017 (Monday)(8.00 p.m.)
First ride in 2017. Previous attempts to ride were derailed by laziness and bad weather, but mostly the former.
Rode my trusted old guard, Trek, from home to Putrajaya and back. Managed to log in a decent 98km. Bumped into other cyclists on TT bikes, and I suspect that they were there training for the forthcoming Powerman Malaysia on 5 March 2017. This made me realized how little time is left before Powerman.
2 Feb 2017 (Thursday)(11.30 a.m.)
The best part of being a small business owner is the flexibility to throw in a training session at any time I want, even in the middle of a working day for most people. I should capitalize on this and put in more effort in re-booting my life as a triathlete.
The problem, however, is time constraints. I ended up being busier at work compared to my 9 to 5 days.
Anyway, managed to squeeze in a 3.5km swim at the club house with this:
500 front crawl
500 kickboard with fins
1000 paddles with pull buoy
Pyramid set of 50 + 100 + 150 + 200 + 150 + 100 + 50 front crawl
200 kickboard
8 x 50 front crawl + 10 push up after every 50
100 Easy (total 3500m)