Tuesday, February 15, 2011

8x50 @ 1:00


Read as 8 times 50 meters on 1 minute. Piece of cake for a swimmer but was quite a tall order for a hopeless one in me.
My short term target since returning to the pool is to nail this set of workout. The session for the evening started with strenght training - 8x150 (Paddles & Fin) + 12x50 (Pull Buoy) + 400 (Kick Board).
I was hoping that coach would prescribe a 8x50 set as I was feeling quite good in the water that day for reasons unknown to me. After a short rest, came the big test. Have been trying in vain to complete such a set in the last few weeks but was only good enough for 3 reps of 50m continuously before skipping a rep.
Think I logged 50 seconds in the 1st 50m and averaged 55 seconds per 50m for the entire set, which meant I had a good 5 seconds to catch my breath in between reps. Lost count after the 3rd 50m and set seemed to have continued forever. Had to check with coach that it was just 8x50 after the session (as it felt something like 12x50)
Swam another 200m easy and called it a day. Next immediate target is to swim 8x50 without feeling like 12x50.

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